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Tours Evenements Parc Expo de Tours

Tours Evenements Parc Expo de Tours trade fairs

Address: 37042 TOURS Cedex Avenue Camille Chautemps
City/Country: Paris,
Phone Number: +(33)-2-47323710
Fax Number:

Organizer Profile:
Tours Evénements Parc Expo de Tours, a company worth 10.5 million is an amalgamation of 3 entities namely the Tourist Office, the Exhibition Centre and VINCI the international Congress of tours is working towards strengthening the tourism economy. This joint venture company under the leadership of M.D SCHWOK Denis from Exhibition, President Jean Francois Lemarchand from Tourist Office and CEO Benoit Martin from VINCI offers services like technical assistance and logistics, hospitality and management, promotions and marketing, production and event planning as well as creation of websites dedicated to events hosted. Since its inception in 2009 the company has been hosting and planning events, promoting trade and business and attracting attention of International media towards the industry. Interesting events like the Moto Quad Tattoo Show are some premiere productions of the company.

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