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Crowne Plaza West Palm Beach

Crowne Plaza West Palm Beach trade fairs

Address: 1601 Belvedere Road West Palm Beach
City/Country: Palm Beach, United States Of America

Venue Profile:
A refreshing break, a weekend getaway or an outdoor business meeting, whatever is the occasion or the requirement, the Crowne Plaza West Palm Beach fulfills it with a flair that is bound to make a lasting impression on the visitors. Just a short distance away from the Palm Beach International Airport, this hotel attracts a huge number of travelers around the year. Corporate events find a permanent place in the schedule of programs hosted by the hotel in its convention center, with a capacity for up to 700 guests. The additional function rooms in the Crowne Plaza West Palm Beach give the much required space for organizing pre event meetings or brief ups. Needless to say, these rooms are equipped with all the requisite connectivity and display facilities that a meeting may need.

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