Focus Africa Kenya 2011
Household Consumables trade fairs
Venue: Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC)
Location: Nairobi , Kenya
Date: 26-NOV-2011 TO 28-NOV-2011
Industry: Household Consumables trade shows
Fair Profile:
Focus Africa Kenya 2011 for Household Consumables from 26-NOV-2011 TO 28-NOV-2011 takes place in Nairobi , Kenya. Organized by Arabian Exposition.
Focus Africa Kenya is an International trade exhibition on Multi-Sectoral Trade sectors It is its 15th edition. This is the largest trade event held annually in Kenya, the hub of the vast East African market. The exhibition attracts exhibitors from more than 30 countries and visitors from all over East & Central Africa, thus giving exhibitors an excellent opportunity to explore several countries in one time.
Fair Organizer:
Arabian Exposition
Pls send mail to [email protected], For more information about Focus Africa Kenya 2011
More Household Consumables trade shows:
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Bazar International 2011
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Tanzania Trade Show 2011