FTTH Council Middle East & North Africa Annual Conference 2011
Computer & IT trade fairs
Venue: Hyatt Regency Sharm El Sheikh Resort
Location: Sharm El Sheikh , Egypt
Date: 30-NOV-2011 TO 01-DEC-2011
Industry: Computer & IT trade shows
Fair Profile:
FTTH Council Middle East & North Africa Annual Conference 2011 for Computer & IT from 30-NOV-2011 TO 01-DEC-2011 takes place in Sharm El Sheikh , Egypt. Organized by FTTH Council.
The 3rd edition of the FTTH Council MENA confrence will be held this year in Sharm El Sheikh for two days. The previous editions were successfully launched the first time in 2009 in Amman, Jordan under the patronage of the Minister of ICT and the second one in 2010 in Beirut, Lebanon, under the patronage of the Minister of Telecommunications. For the 2011 the FTTH Council MENA will increase this success with a high-quality conference program under the theme "Leading the new generation" which will highlight the benefits of the FTTH deployment for operators, governments and consumers.
Fair Organizer:
FTTH Council
Pls send mail to [email protected], For more information about FTTH Council Middle East & North Africa Annual Conference 2011
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