Corn Utilization and Technology Conference 2012
Agriculture & Forestry trade fairs
Venue: Westin Indianapolis Hotel
Location: Indianapolis , United States Of America
Date: 04-JUN-2012 TO 06-JUN-2012
Industry: Agriculture & Forestry trade shows
Fair Profile:
Corn Utilization and Technology Conference 2012 for Agriculture & Forestry from 04-JUN-2012 TO 06-JUN-2012 takes place in Indianapolis , United States Of America. Organized by National Corn Growers Association.
The CUTC is designed for growers, scientists, agribusiness representatives, exhibitors, industry sponsors, members of the media and others seeking to learn the latest developments in technologies related to corn. A premier event in the corn industry, this conference has increasingly been recognized as an important forum for exchanging ideas and networking with an international audience of experts from agricultural industry, academia, NGOs and government.
Fair Organizer:
National Corn Growers Association
Pls send mail to [email protected], For more information about Corn Utilization and Technology Conference 2012
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