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AAHPERD National Convention & Exposition 2012

Medical & Pharmaceutical trade fairs

Venue: Hynes Convention Center
Location: Boston , United States Of America
Date: 13-MAR-2012 TO 17-MAR-2012
Industry: Medical & Pharmaceutical trade shows

Fair Profile:
AAHPERD National Convention & Exposition 2012 for Medical & Pharmaceutical from 13-MAR-2012 TO 17-MAR-2012 takes place in Boston , United States Of America. Organized by Exhibit Promotion Plus , Inc..

AAHPERD National Convention & Exposition will be one of the most energetic event in which safety and health information will be given to the participate. This show is dedicated to the professional related to development of physical education and health education teachers, students, researchers and others who promote an active and healthy lifestyle every day. AAHPERD National Convention & Exposition are organized every year, this year it will be the 127th annual conference. Exhibitors will get an opportunity to promote their business because they will get the targeted customers who are participating in this event. This will be most informative show on physical fitness.

Fair Organizer:
Exhibit Promotion Plus , Inc.

Pls send mail to [email protected], For more information about AAHPERD National Convention & Exposition 2012

More Medical & Pharmaceutical trade shows:
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Saudi Medicare 2012
Paracelsus Messe 2012
Tashkent International Healthcare Exhibition 2012
Clinical Trial Forecasting , Budgeting and Project Management 2012
Comprehending Copy Number and Structural Variation 2012
Bioinformatics - Singapore 2012
Denta Expo 2011
Pragomedica 2012
World Anti - Aging Conference & Exhibition - Orlando 2012

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