PepTalk 2012
Medical & Pharmaceutical trade fairs
Venue: Hotel del Coronado – San Diego
Location: San Diego , United States Of America
Date: 09-JAN-2012 TO 13-JAN-2012
Industry: Medical & Pharmaceutical trade shows
Fair Profile:
PepTalk 2012 for Medical & Pharmaceutical from 09-JAN-2012 TO 13-JAN-2012 takes place in San Diego , United States Of America. Organized by Cambridge Healthtech Institute.
PepTalk 2012 continues the tradition of strong scientific programming centered around protein-based therapeutics. The four distinct protein pipelines focused on formulation, purification, biotherapeutics and expression range from applying protein discovery research, to developing downstream protein products that ultimately lead to clinical applications. This focused design enables you create your own agenda by moving between the tracks and choosing the sessions that best fit your research and networking needs. Additional networking opportunities will be available through BuZZ Session discussion groups, short courses and panel discussions.
Fair Organizer:
Cambridge Healthtech Institute
Pls send mail to [email protected], For more information about PepTalk 2012
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