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C&E Gun Show - Norfolk 2011

Industrial Goods trade fairs

Venue: Norfolk Scope Arena
Location: Norfolk , VA , United States Of America
Date: 05-NOV-2011 TO 06-NOV-2011
Industry: Industrial Goods trade shows

Fair Profile:
C&E Gun Show - Norfolk 2011 for Industrial Goods from 05-NOV-2011 TO 06-NOV-2011 takes place in Norfolk , VA , United States Of America. Organized by C&E Gun Shows.

C&E Gun Shows is dedicated to producing the most professional, safest and ethical gun shows in the country. We strive to provide our patrons with the best available selection of firearms, ammo, knives and related merchandise, and our dealers with the largest crowds of qualified buyers anywhere, while always doing all we can do to protect the Constitution of the United States of America. A note about the Second Amendment, the Second Amendment, while being second on the list of several very important Amendments, is actually the most important of them all. It is the only amendment that guarantees all the other rights. "Without the 2nd Amendment, we would be a country of unarmed subjects."

Fair Organizer:
C&E Gun Shows

Pls send mail to [email protected], For more information about C&E Gun Show - Norfolk 2011

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