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Cosmoprof Bologna 2012

Cosmetics trade fairs

Venue: Bologna Fair Centre
Location: Bologna , Italy
Date: 09-MAR-2012 TO 12-MAR-2012
Industry: Cosmetics trade shows

Fair Profile:
Cosmoprof Bologna 2012 for Cosmetics from 09-MAR-2012 TO 12-MAR-2012 takes place in Bologna , Italy. Organized by Bologna Fiere.

Cosmoprof Bologna is the world's most important international event in the beauty and cosmetics sector running successfully from past 40 years with a special focus on the spa industry. Last year Cosmopack, the packaging and contract manufacturers showcased a high-level international platform that hosted an international packaging buyers delegation with 100 participants, celebrating 146,331 visitors in the course of 5 days of exhibition, out of which 33,338 (24%) foreign visitors. 2,254 total exhibitors, out of which 1,323 (60%) foreign exhibitors. Cosmoprof has sealed joint-venture agreements with other international organizations to generate new top-level trade fair events in every part of the globe: Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna (Italy), Cosmoprof Asia (Hong Kong), Cosmoprof North America (Las Vegas); Guangzhou International Exhibitions Ltd (Guangzhou), Beauty Eurasia powered by Cosmoprof (Istanbul).

Fair Organizer:
Bologna Fiere

Pls send mail to [email protected], For more information about Cosmoprof Bologna 2012

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Cosmobelleza & Wellness 2012
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FCE Cosmetique 2012

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