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Uppercrust Food and Wine Exhibition 2011

Food & Beverage trade fairs

Venue: Mumbai World Trade Centre
Location: Mumbai , India
Date: 09-DEC-2011 TO 11-DEC-2011
Industry: Food & Beverage trade shows

Fair Profile:
Uppercrust Food and Wine Exhibition 2011 for Food & Beverage from 09-DEC-2011 TO 11-DEC-2011 takes place in Mumbai , India. Organized by UpperCrust - Indias Finest Food & Wine Magazine.

Uppercrust Food and Wine Show is one of the largest food and wine events in the entire India. There would be face to face interactions on the intricacies of the art of eating, drinking and cooking. The customer would also get to learn a lot about the latest wines and cuisines from all around the world. Uppercrust Food and Wine Show would be a rare event that would most definitely appeal to the taste buds. It is a leading national event showcasing the best wines, spirits and foods from all over the world. The top notch chefs would also cook up some highly delectable cuisines.

Fair Organizer:
UpperCrust - Indias Finest Food & Wine Magazine

Pls send mail to [email protected], For more information about Uppercrust Food and Wine Exhibition 2011

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