Farm and Food Tech 2011
Agriculture & Forestry trade fairs
Venue: Maniram Dewan Trade Centre
Location: Guwahati (Gauhati) , India
Date: 08-DEC-2011 TO 10-DEC-2011
Industry: Agriculture & Forestry trade shows
Fair Profile:
Farm and Food Tech 2011 for Agriculture & Forestry from 08-DEC-2011 TO 10-DEC-2011 takes place in Guwahati (Gauhati) , India. Organized by Confederation of Indian Industry.
Farm and Food Tech is going to be one of a classic Indian intervention in developing agro based industries under technological supervision. This internationally ranked event will be organized by the eminent Confederation of Indian Industry, CII. This exclusive event will continue for two days and is going to be venued at Maniram Dewan Trade Centre, Guwahati Assam India. Farm and Food Tech will be an unique venture focusing on different sessions which will be ordained under professional supervision and will be inculcating into the modernization of industrial developments of agricultural as well as agro based acquisitions in the global phenomenon.
Fair Organizer:
Confederation of Indian Industry
Pls send mail to [email protected], For more information about Farm and Food Tech 2011
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