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Zak Aluminium Extrusions Expo 2011

Metal & Minerals trade fairs

Venue: MMRDA Exhibition Center
Location: Mumbai , India
Date: 08-DEC-2011 TO 11-DEC-2011
Industry: Metal & Minerals trade shows

Fair Profile:
Zak Aluminium Extrusions Expo 2011 for Metal & Minerals from 08-DEC-2011 TO 11-DEC-2011 takes place in Mumbai , India. Organized by ZAK Trade Fairs and Exhibitions Private Limited.

The 3rd edition of Zak Aluminium Extrusions Expo is poised to be twice as bigger than its previous editions. The 1st and 2nd editions were highly successful events with the target audience visiting the show. This year the show goes International with participation from over 6 countries is expected apart from the leading extrusions manufacturers of India.
As sustainability is a key aspect in all industries, Aluminium usage becomes important. Coupled with its lightweight properties and versatility, Aluminium Extrusions are being used in various industries such as Building Construction, Aviation, Defense, Electricals, etc.
With India poised to be the fastest growing economy in the world, the signs of growth for this industry looks nothing other than an upward spiral. The major use of Aluminium Extrusions in India is the building construction industry. Its usage in other industries is also catching up with awareness through different forums.
Zak Aluminium Extrusions Expo aim’s to highlight the usage of Aluminium Extrusions as a sustainable option for the future. As widely publicized by all, Aluminium is truly a “Green Metal”.

Fair Organizer:
ZAK Trade Fairs and Exhibitions Private Limited

Pls send mail to [email protected], For more information about Zak Aluminium Extrusions Expo 2011

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