Fruchtwelt Bodensee 2012
Agriculture & Forestry trade fairs
Venue: Friedrichshafen Messegelande
Location: Friedrichshafen , Germany
Date: 24-FEB-2012 TO 26-FEB-2012
Industry: Agriculture & Forestry trade shows
Fair Profile:
Fruchtwelt Bodensee 2012 for Agriculture & Forestry from 24-FEB-2012 TO 26-FEB-2012 takes place in Friedrichshafen , Germany. Organized by Messe Friedrichshafen.
Fruchtwelt Bodensee is the only trade fair which combines the three areas of fruit, distillates and hops. The 1st Fruit World blazed a new trail.
Fair Organizer:
Messe Friedrichshafen
Pls send mail to [email protected], For more information about Fruchtwelt Bodensee 2012
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